Monday, 19 April 2010


For a part of a uni brief, we have to document a favourite collection. At first I couldnt think of anything that i have a collection of, and was hoping that i could think of something better then my collection of TY toys from years and years ago. Apart from my growing fancy dress pile and the shelf full of girly dvds, i didnt have anything that would make up a collection. So i went home and dug out all the ty toys from under my bed and cupboard and actually brought together quite an impressive collection! I have photographed the 50 ty toys, and picked out some old favourites! Im sure i had more, just no idea where i have put them! They each have names and little poems within their tags. I was that obsessed with them that i had tag protectors so the tags wouldnt get ruined, just incase they are worth something some day!.... And I have just checked, some of them are going at $1.99, how depressing! And most of them cost over £6, was quite an expensive collection to have for a child! Maybe one day they will be worth something, i hope!

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